My Strory

Education (computer science and engineering)


RC Institute Of Technology Bishrampur (jh)

Marks : 69.90%

Session : 2012 - 2016

In 2016, I successfully completed my computer science engineering degree, equipping me with a solid foundation in programming, software development, and problem-solving. This educational achievement has paved the way for my career in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of technology.

Diploma in Office Automation and Publishing (DOAP)


RGCSM New Delhi

Marks : Sem 1 - 73% and Sem 2 - 72%

Session : 2011-2012

In 2012, I successfully completed the Diploma in Office Automation and Publishing (DOAP). This comprehensive program equipped me with essential skills in computer-based office automation, document processing, desktop publishing, and efficient office management. The knowledge and expertise gained have been instrumental in my professional growth and productivity.

Intermediate (12th Science)


NPU University Medininagar

Marks : 57.20%

Session : 2010-2012

In 2012, I successfully completed my Intermediate education, marking an important milestone in my academic journey. It was a significant achievement that provided a solid foundation for further studies or career pursuits, opening doors to new opportunities and personal growth.

High School (10th)


JSH Bishrampur

Marks : 70%

Session : 2009 - 2010

In 2010, I completed my 10th grade, marking an important milestone in my education. It was a year of academic growth and personal development as I prepared to move forward in my educational journey.




Designation : Senior Web Developer

Address : Okhla Phase-2, DL-110020

Working Time : Full Time

Period : April-2022 to Continue…

Digi Electro Lab


Designation : Web Developer

Address : Ranchi Palamau JH-822116

Working Time : Full Time

Period : Nov-2020 to Mar-2022

Rexaviour Communication pvt. Ltd


Designation : Web Designer

Address : Mohan Estate, New Delhi, DL-110044

Working Time : Full Time

Period : May 2018 - March 2020

Freelancing Or Open to Work


Designation : Web Designer/Developer

Address : Anywhere

Working Time : Weekly or Official Leave

Period : 2020 to Continue…

Other Certification Cource

Web Development


Internshala Trainings

Certificate code : 8C6AA693-6025-4098-048D-B4DF9101B15

Subjects : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, ReactJs, DBMS, PHP

Internshala Trainings equipped me with comprehensive web development skills, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Bootstrap. Through hands-on projects and practical exercises, I gained the expertise to create dynamic and responsive websites, making me job-ready in the field of web development.



SkillUp by Simplilearn

Certificate code : 3413217

Subjects : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, MySql

I completed the JavaScript course from Skillup! i have gained essential skills in JavaScript programming and enabling create dynamic and interactive web applications. I am practicing and applying my knowledge to continue growing as a developer.

React Js


SkillUp by Simplilearn

Certificate code : 3429954

Subjects : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, ReactJs, NPM Packages, NodeJs

Node Js


SkillUp by Simplilearn

Certificate code : 3440344

Subjects : HTML, JavaScript, PHP, ReactJs, NPM Packages, NodeJs, MongoDb

Full Stack Development


SkillUp by Simplilearn

Certificate code : 3419970

Subjects : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJs, Node Package Manager, NodeJs, DBMS, PHP, MongoDb

Skills / Other Experiences

Design and Development Skills


Design and Development Skills

  • 1. HTML
  • 2. CSS-3, SCSS, BootStrap, Tailwind CSS,
  • 3. JavaScript(E-6)
  • 4. Typescript
  • 5. JSON and XML
  • 6. ReactJs
  • 7. Express.js
  • 8. NextJs
  • 9. NextAuth
  • 10. NodeJs + NPM
  • 11. MongoDb , DBMS
  • 12. RESTful APIs
  • 13. Redux, Redux-toolkit,
  • 14. JSON Web Token
  • 15. Bcrypt.js
  • 16. State Management
  • 17. Back-end Development
  • 18. Front-end Development

  • Front-End Development :- Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for building interactive and user-friendly websites and web applications. Understanding front-end frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js is also beneficial.
  • Back-End Development :- Familiarity with server-side programming languages and frameworks such as Node.js to develop the server logic and manage databases for web applications.
  • Responsive Design :- Creating responsive web designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices is critical for ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms.
  • Version Control :- Proficiency in using version control systems like Git enables efficient collaboration and allows developers to track changes, manage codebase, and handle different versions of software projects.
  • Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills :- The ability to break down complex problems, think critically, and develop logical solutions is vital for successful design and development.

Website Hosting Partner Skills


Website Hosting Partner Skills

  • 1. Hostinger
  • 2. GoDaddy
  • 3. Firebase
  • 4. Vercel
  • 5. Heroku
  • 6. Cyclic etc

  • Web Server Management :- Understanding web server technologies such as Apache, Nginx, IIS, and their configuration is crucial. I would be proficient in managing and optimizing server performance, security, and scalability.
  • Server Operating Systems :- Proficiency in various server operating systems like Linux (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS) and Windows Server is important. Knowledge of system administration, command-line operations, and server security practices is necessary.
  • Networking and DNS :- A solid understanding of networking concepts, TCP/IP, DNS (Domain Name System), and how to configure DNS records is essential. I would be able to troubleshoot network-related issues and ensure proper connectivity.
  • Security and Firewall Management :- Knowledge of web security best practices, SSL/TLS certificates, and firewall configurations is crucial. I would be able to implement security measures, perform regular security audits, and respond to security incidents effectively.
  • Database Management :- Familiarity with popular database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server is important. Being able to configure, optimize, and perform routine maintenance on databases is necessary for hosting partner tasks.
  • Control Panel and Hosting Management :- Proficiency in using control panels like cPanel, Plesk, or DirectAdmin is valuable. I would be able to manage domains, email accounts, file transfers, and other hosting-related tasks efficiently.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery :- Knowledge of backup strategies and disaster recovery planning is crucial. I would be able to set up regular backups, automate backup processes, and restore websites in case of data loss or server failures.
  • Technical Troubleshooting :- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to diagnose and resolve website and server issues are essential. I would be adept at analyzing error logs, troubleshooting performance problems, and providing efficient solutions.

Third Party Helper Skills


Third Party Helper Skills

  • 1. Cloudinary (Storage or CDN)
  • 2. GitHub
  • 3. RazorPay (payment gateway)
  • 4. Stripe (payment gateway)
  • 5. Shiprocket (shipment partner)
  • 6. Google Console (Auth & Management)

  • Cloudinary :- Cloudinary is a cloud-based media management platform that provides a comprehensive set of tools for uploading, storing, transforming, and delivering images and videos on the web. It offers features like image optimization, resizing, cropping, and much more.
  • GitHub :- GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It provides a platform for developers to collaborate on projects, track changes, manage code repositories, and host their codebase. It also offers features like issue tracking, project management, and continuous integration.
  • RazorPay :- RazorPay is a popular payment gateway solution that enables businesses to accept online payments seamlessly. It provides APIs and SDKs that allow developers to integrate payment functionality into their web applications, including features like payment processing, subscriptions, and handling refunds.
  • Shiprocket :- Shiprocket is a logistics aggregation platform that simplifies the shipping process for e-commerce businesses. It provides integration with multiple courier partners, allowing businesses to manage order fulfillment, track shipments, and generate shipping labels easily.
  • Google Cloud Console :- Google Cloud Console is a web-based management interface for Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides a user-friendly interface to manage various GCP services, including virtual machines, databases, storage, networking, and more. It also offers tools for monitoring and debugging applications deployed on GCP.

Operating System Skills


Operating System Skills

  • 1. Ubuntu
  • 2. Linux-mint
  • 3. Kali Linux
  • 4. Windows-7-11
  • 5. Android
  • 6. IOS

  • Ubuntu :- Ubuntu is a popular Linux-based operating system known for its ease of use and community support. It's often used for desktops, laptops, and servers, providing a free and open-source alternative to Windows and macOS.
  • Linux Mint :- Linux Mint is another user-friendly Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It aims to provide a familiar and intuitive interface for users transitioning from Windows. Linux Mint offers various desktop environments and comes bundled with a range of applications.
  • Kali Linux :- Kali Linux is a specialized Linux distribution designed for penetration testing, digital forensics, and ethical hacking. It comes with numerous pre-installed tools and is widely used by security professionals for various cybersecurity tasks.
  • Windows 7 to Windows 11 :- Windows is a widely used operating system developed by Microsoft. Windows 7 was a popular version that was released in 2009 and reached its end-of-life in January 2020. Windows 8 and 8.1 were subsequent releases. Windows 10, released in 2015, became the most widely used version. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Windows 11 was recently announced by Microsoft, promising a redesigned interface and new features.
  • Android :- Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It's based on the Linux kernel and is primarily used on smartphones and tablets. Android offers a vast ecosystem of apps through the Google Play Store and is highly customizable.
  • iOS :- iOS is Apple's mobile operating system used on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices. It provides a secure and tightly controlled environment, with a focus on user experience and integration with other Apple products and services.

Developer Attitude Skills


Developer Attitude Skills

  • 1. Problem Solver
  • 2. Product Builder
  • 3. Page Optimization
  • 4. Lazy Loading
  • 5. Reusable code
  • 6. Readable code
  • 7. Error less code
  • 8. Fully managed code
  • 9. Clear code
  • 10. Landing Pages
  • 11. Image Optimization

  • Problem Solver :- A web developer should have strong problem-solving skills to identify and resolve issues that arise during the development process. This involves troubleshooting, debugging, and finding efficient solutions to technical challenges.
  • Product Builder :- Web developers need to have a product-oriented mindset. They should understand the goals and requirements of the project and be able to translate them into a functional and user-friendly website or web application.
  • Page Optimization :- Optimizing web pages for performance is essential to ensure fast loading times and smooth user experience. Web developers should have knowledge of techniques such as minification, compression, caching, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to optimize page loading speed.
  • Lazy Loading :- Implementing lazy loading techniques allows web developers to improve website performance by loading only the necessary resources or content as the user interacts with the page. This technique can significantly reduce initial page load times and improve overall user experience.
  • Reusable Code :- Developing reusable code components and modules not only saves time and effort but also improves maintainability and scalability. Web developers should strive to write clean and modular code that can be easily reused across different parts of a project.
  • Readable Code :- Writing readable code is essential for collaboration and maintainability. Web developers should follow coding best practices, use consistent naming conventions, and provide clear comments and documentation to make their code more understandable for other developers.
  • Errorless Code :- Paying attention to detail and thoroughly testing the code is crucial to minimize errors and bugs. Web developers should write code with proper error handling, perform rigorous testing, and use debugging tools to identify and fix issues.
  • Fully Managed Code :- Managing code efficiently involves organizing files and directories, implementing version control systems, and using build tools and automation workflows. Web developers should be familiar with tools like Git, package managers, and task runners to ensure proper code management.
  • Clear Code :- Writing clear and concise code is important for readability and understanding. Web developers should use meaningful variable and function names, follow coding conventions, and avoid unnecessary complexity to make their code easy to comprehend.
  • Image Optimization :- Optimizing images for the web is crucial for improving page load times. Web developers should have knowledge of image formats, compression techniques, and tools to reduce file sizes without compromising image quality.

Software Skills


Software Skills

  • 1. MS Office
  • 2. VS Code
  • 3. Sublime
  • 4. Doc
  • 5. Sheet
  • 6. PPT
  • 7. Social Media & Marketing
  • 8. Mailing & Searching
  • 9. Photoshop
  • 11. Canva etc
  • 12. Google Drive & Functionality
  • 13. Libre Office (linux) etc

  • MS Office :- Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity software that includes popular applications like Word (word processing), Excel (spreadsheet), PowerPoint (presentation), Outlook (email and personal information manager), and more. It's widely used in various professional settings.
  • VS Code :- Visual Studio Code is a lightweight, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It's highly customizable and supports a wide range of programming languages. It offers features like code debugging, version control integration, and an extensive marketplace for extensions.
  • Sublime :- Sublime Text is a popular code editor known for its speed, simplicity, and powerful editing features. It supports a vast number of programming languages and has a robust ecosystem of plugins and packages that extend its functionality.
  • Google Docs and Google Sheets :- These are part of the Google Drive suite of applications. Google Docs is an online word processor, while Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet program. They enable collaborative editing and storage in the cloud, making it easy to work on documents or spreadsheets with others.
  • Social media and marketing tools :- Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others are used for marketing purposes. Understanding the functionalities of these platforms and being able to navigate them effectively is essential for social media marketing.
  • Mailing and searching :- Mailing skills refer to the ability to use email clients effectively for communication. Searching skills involve using search engines like Google to find specific information efficiently.
  • Photoshop :- Adobe Photoshop is a powerful image editing software used for graphic design, photo editing, and other visual media tasks. It offers a wide range of tools and functionalities for editing and manipulating images.
  • Canva :- Canva is a web-based graphic design platform that allows users to create visually appealing designs for various purposes, such as social media posts, presentations, posters, and more. It provides a user-friendly interface and a vast library of templates and design elements.
  • Google Drive and functionality :- Google Drive is a cloud storage and file synchronization service. It allows users to store, share, and collaborate on files and folders in the cloud. It also integrates with other Google services like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
  • LibreOffice :- LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite that includes applications for word processing (Writer), spreadsheets (Calc), presentations (Impress), databases (Base), and more. It provides similar functionality to MS Office but with a different interface and file formats.
  • Sketch :- Sketch is a popular vector graphics editor for macOS, primarily used for UI/UX design. It offers a wide range of tools and features specifically tailored for designing user interfaces and experiences.
  • Figma :- Figma is a web-based collaborative design tool used for creating user interfaces, prototypes, and design systems. It allows multiple users to work simultaneously, making it suitable for remote collaboration.

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