My Talent
85 %My portfolio showcases my artistic talents through HTML, combining creativity and technical skills to create visually appealing web pages that display my artwork and highlight my skills.
75 %JavaScript is a versatile programming language that I utilize in my portfolio to add interactivity, dynamic content, and enhance user experience. From animations to interactive features, JavaScript brings my portfolio to life.
90 %With a keen eye for design and expertise in CSS & SCSS, I create visually stunning and responsive websites for my portfolio. Experience seamless user interface and captivating aesthetics with my coding prowess.
Node Js
75 %Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows for server-side JavaScript development, enabling scalable and efficient web applications. Explore my Node.js projects in my portfolio!
React Js
70 %React.js: The powerful JavaScript library for building modern, dynamic user interfaces. Experience my proficiency in crafting interactive web applications with React's efficient component-based architecture, seamless state management, and reusable UI components.
Next Js
80 %Next.js is a powerful JavaScript framework for building server-rendered React applications. With its features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes, I leveraged Next.js to create my portfolio with seamless performance and dynamic content.